Contact Woken

Björn Holmberg

Phone: +46 70 258 24 37

Postal adress:
Wokens PR och Kommunikation c/o Björn Holmberg
Dagsverksvägen 229
S-163 55 Spånga

Wokens PR och Kommunikation is a registered company.

All material on the page such as images, texts, films, and so on is owned by
and may not be used in advertising purposes that are not directly linked to woken.
In this case woken means the car, the team, the website or Björn Holmberg as a person.
If you find any inapropriates on the site, or for instance a photo of your car you wish to use,
it would be wise to contact me in any suitable way.
Kind regards, Björn Holmberg.
